Trenchers Restaurant in Whitby
Whitby Hospital
YO21 1DP
Tel: 01947 604851
Whitby Hospital is a Community Hospital providing inpatient, outpatient and community services to the town of Whitby and surrounding area.
Prior to the establishment of the NHS, a Cottage Hospital and District Nursing establishment was in existence from 1896 in a property known as the Brewery House in Church Street Whitby.
In 1901 a permanent hospital was opened in Grape Lane comprising mainly of a men’s ward of five beds, a women’s ward of three beds and an outpatient department.
Following the First World War a new hospital was built on the present hospital site at Springhill and named The War Memorial Hospital in remembrance of those who had fallen during the war.
In 1925 The War Memorial Hospital at Whitby was officially opened by HRH Princess Mary, Viscount Lascelles.
In the late 1970s a new hospital was built on the same site to incorporate the services provided by Eskdale Hospital, St Hilda’s Hospital, the War Memorial Hospital, Community Health Office and Clinic and a GP Surgery Health Centre. The Hospital was renamed Whitby Hospital and officially opened in 1979 by HRH Princess Margaret, Countess Snowden and is the hospital currently in use.
The GP Surgery Health Centre moved out of Whitby Hospital into their own purpose built premises in 1990.
The hospital also has a “League of Friends” to who work to improve patient care and comfort.